Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Restaurants need children or no children sections!

My husband and I were in a restaurant recently. The food was good--it is great restaurant and the food is always good. The atmostphere was dim and candlelit and the waitstaff were friendly. It sounds like a perfect end to a long day for two old farts like us.

However, on this occasion, it was awful! Two booths down from us a baby cried non-stop the whole time we were there. And in one booth next to us a young child was alternating screaming at her parents and throwing food (some of which landed around us). The place was full and there was no where for us to go.

C'mon people! Take your screaming kids out of the restaurant. Don't inflict that on the rest of us! What in the world makes you think we want to hear your child crying or fussing? We don't even like your kid--well, we might if we know him or her, but we don't. Do you not care that it gives the rest of us indigestion?

I remember an occasion a few years ago when some little brat leaned over the booth and spit on my daughter-in-law. The parents did nothing to correct that behavior. I was astonished. So I said something and they immediately left the restaurant. I think more of us who are inflicted with other people's errant offspring should stand up and yell, "Enough of this crap! Make your child behave or stay home!"

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