Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Byte-Sized Parents Rule!

For several months I have wrestled with the idea of bringing back Parents Rule! radio show but was not sure what format to use. Radio was great fun and I miss it. But I began to think that it was hard for you all to find the time in your busy schedules to listen to an hour long radio show.
Voila! Why not bring Parents Rule! to You Tube? http://www.youtube.com/parentsrule1 That is more easily used by young parents who are constantly on the go. You Tube is on your iPads, laptops, iPods and smart phones. So now we are more readliy available and in small doses. Each segment on You Tube is going to be 5-20 minutes. I am aiming for an average of 10 minutes. You will still get all the advice, information, and encouragement that you loved from the radio show--just in shorter segments that fit into your schedule better.
And I get to make eye contact with you. I really like that part of the Parents Rule! video blog--feels like I can connect with you better. There will be times when I am speaking about a topic I feel strongly about and times when I have guest interviews--just like on the radio.
Today is my kick off, so tune in and let me know what you think. "Like" the videos that mean something to you. Feel free to comment whether you agree or disagree.
Join me--we are going to have fun with this http://www.youtube.com/parentsrule1