Thursday, August 30, 2007

Ban Baggy Pants? My thoughts...

An Atlanta city councilman is proposing a ban on baggy pants. It would be an amendment to the indecency laws. What do you think about this? No one hates that look more than I do! It is ridiculous. One person called it racial profiling, but I have seen kids of all colors wearing the pants that way. By the way, the ban would also include showing the strap of a thong or wearing jogging bras in public unless they are covered by a shirt.

Now how do you feel about it? As much as I hate that baggy pant thing, I am adamantly opposed to government getting involved in this issue! Personally, I think this should be addressed at home. The government has its hands in my business enough already. I am still mad that they force me to wear a seat belt.

Parents need to step up and be the parent. Tell the kids they are not going out of the house looking like that, and that you don’t care who dresses like that! And it is not just the baggy pants. Look at teen girls and what do you see? Many of them dress like prostitutes. I hate the thong sticking out of the pants—not sure why any one wears those uncomfortable things anyway. The tops are cut low and skin tight. Short shorts have wording written on them across the seat. What is the purpose of that except to make boys watch their butts as they walk. Trust me, boys do that anyway—you do not have to advertise.

The same parents that allow their children to dress like that are surprised when they find out their little angel is sexually active. Why? They have been advertising their availability for a long time. Or they cannot understand why their son is now showing them disrespect. Wake up--how your child dresses is how they will act.

C’mon parents. Stop letting our children dress like thugs and prostitutes! Do your job so the government does do it for you.

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