Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Make your kids teach you all they know about computers

I did not grow up with a keyboard in my hand. When we learned about computers they were for huge corporations and the government and took up whole rooms! In college I remember there were some classes for something called dos, but I thought it would never affect me. After all I was going into nursing--what possible use could this computer thing be to me?

Do I need to tell you how far behind the eight ball I was, and still am? For the past few weeks I have been struggling to figure out my computer issues and my internet issues. For the past few weeks I have been utterly stymied and stumped. (Is that redundant?) Finally I got someone to help me and the cost is not cheap!! He is great and has explained a lot to me, but whenever I listen to his explanations, I am also counting in my head how long it is taking since I am paying him by the hour.

So, take my advice. Get all the information you can from your kids while they are at home. Once they leave, they will be too far away or so busy you hate to bother them.

By the way, I am almost up and running again. At least I can write my blog again!!

1 comment:

Heidi Caswell said...

It would take me forever to learn all my kids know about computers, they keep learning new things.

Of course it is great when that knowledge lets them earn a great income when they have their own family.

With 7 kids I have quite an age span, but each of my kids know more than a bit about computers. I learned just so I could have a conversation with my oldest son.

The teachers at school look to my kids as someone they can learn from too.