Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Grandma Temptation

Yesterday, I was with my grandson (2 1/2), which is always fun for me. We were outside waiting for momma to get through shopping and he was running all over the place. Suddenly, there it was in front of him. It beckoned to him and he slid me a sly glance of warning before he succombed to its tempation.

Suddenly he laughed and yelled, "I jump puddle!" and he did. Then he looked at me and said "Ok, Mema?" I was laughing at his antics while I nodded my head. It occurred to me that when my kids were little, I would most likely have limited the puddle exposure and quickly distracted them. Now, as a grandmother, all I could do was laugh at him and enjoy his pleasure.

Suddenly that wasn't enough for me. This was not an experience to be lived I joined him. We took turns splashing the water and soaking our feet. (Well, after all, it was in the mid-80's--no one was going to die of hypothermia here.)

I saw my daughter coming and quickly got him and me out of the puddles. But he ratted me out. "Mema and Benton jump puddles---watch!" With that he ran over and jumped back in. My daughter raised her eyebrows at me and asked if this was true. Sadly, I had taught her not to lie, so I had to admit it. But I quickly went on to explain that he started it...!


Bev Mahone said...


I'm still trying to take in the 11 grandchildren!!! Wow! It must be a grand time during family gatherings.

I, too, can relate to the figure issue. I was seven months pregnant because you saw a glimpse of pregnancy. Now I'm wondering who stole my body!

Parents Rule! said...

I only wish we could get them all has not ever happened since they are so spread out across the country.

We also have 3 that the mother alienated them from their father (my stepson) and from us.

But we sure do have fun with the others!!

Parents Rule! said...

I only wish we could get them all has not ever happened since they are so spread out across the country, well the world since the one coming in Aug will live in Panama.

We also have 3 that the mother alienated them from their father (my stepson) and from us.

But we sure do have fun with the others!!

Parents Rule! said...

OOps...I didn't think I published the first comment...middle age. It is not for cowards!