Wednesday, September 17, 2008

It is lost--have you seen it?

My daugher in law is 8 months pregnant...yes, we are about to have grandchild number eleven. How is that even possible when I am so young???

But, I digress. My point is that she is so beautiful and even still has a figure. If you watch her from behind, you would not know she was pregnant.

I had a figure when I got pregnant the first time. I was 23 and not too bad to look at. My figure disappeared somewhere around month 3 and I haven't seen it since. Where did it go? I have pondered that question for many years now. Why didn't it come back? Did I scare it away with my Fritos and Twinkies?

Somehow I thought if I got pregnant again maybe it would come back, but that did not work. Nor did it work the next time. Being of sound mind and body, I gave up after that. If the damn thing was going to come back; it was going to have do it on its own.

Still....why does she still have one at 8 months? This in one of those very unfair things in life. Here is someone I could not love more if I had given birth to her, and yet...! A part of me that lurks in the deep recesses hates her and her exercising figure. (just kidding, Jaime)

The good part is that she is putting all those good genes into my grandson. Hopefully when his wife is pregnant one day, he will be able to keep his figure...!


Pop Art Diva Enterprises said...

LOL, "he'll be able to keep his figure".

Though I have heard of a few men who suffer the symptoms of pregnancy, including the food cravings!


Leslie Flowers said...

While I grapple with Dunlop's Disease (when the belly dun lopped over the belt), my awareness is such that at Stage 2 of my life, I simply remind myself that I am a spiritual being, first and foremost, who is gifted with an intellect and a body to carry out actions.

Spirit is #1 !! : )

Melodieann Whiteley said...

I lost my figure 26 years ago and haven't seen it since! When you find yours, Pat, see if mine is there too!

Melodieann Whiteley said...

I lost my figure 26 years ago and haven't seen it since! When you find yours, Pat, see if mine is there too!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful thoughts!

Family, fun, love....


Parents Rule! said...

I am sure there is a place where we can find them..I will keep looking!!

My ex husband was nauseous when I had morning sickness and his stomach hurt for weeks after delivery because he had "labor pains" and helped push...