Friday, January 15, 2010

Parents! Join me in helping Haitian parents today!

Today I am donating money to an organization that will aid in relief efforts in devastated Haiti. I am challenging you to join me.

Yesterday I heard a story on the radio. It was by phone from someone on the ground in Haiti. He described standing in the road as a screaming woman ran up to him. She was begging for help for the small bundle she carried in her arms--her baby. A piece of cloth covered the baby's head; a scene not to unusual due to the amount of dust around them. When he lifted the material he realized that the baby's face was gone--completely gone--and the baby was dead. He assisted in getting the woman to someone who could help her, but I am sure that scene will be forever played out in his mind.

I heard another story of a mom who lost all five of her children in the earthquake. It is time, as parents, we stand up to help other parents in these desparate conditions. Americans are the most generous and loving people in the world. We are always the ones who step up the most to help. Let us not let the Haitian people down--not because we will get something out of it, but because it is the right thing to do.

Who is with me? Go to or or any other legitimate charity and give whatever you can afford.

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