Monday, June 14, 2010

Betsy Ross Did Not Make the First US Flag

Our flag carries American ideas, American history and American feelings. It is not a painted rag. It is a whole national history. It is the Constitution. It is the Government. It is the emblem of the sovereignty of the people. It is the NATION.
-Henry Ward Beecher, 1861

Isn't that a lovely site? Happy Flag Day, everyone.

In keeping with my theme of promoting patiotism and love of our country, I am discussing our beloved flag. As I said in my last post, parents need to be teaching their kids about our history. This in one way I can assist in that.

Betsy Ross did not design and sew the first US flag, as I learned in school. Actually, that rumor started around the 1876 Centennial celebrations, according to research by the Smithsonian Institute.

So who did create our flag? No one is really sure. But there is a lot of speculation over who designed and sewed the first one. What we do know is that is has undergone 26 revisions since our first "Grand Union Flag." Why don't you and your kids research this as a family project?

And what does the flag stand for? Every child should be taught this. Do an internet search for the poem, Face the Flag, as it is a wonderful and uplifting narrative about our country and our flag. We should also know how to fly the flag with respect: this link is great Also if your flag is torn or frayed, it should be retired appropriately. Call your local Boy Scouts and they will retire your flag for you. They have a special ceremony for it.

Below is a great way to teach the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag (you can find it spoken by John Wayne with an internet search).

Pledge of Allegiance
Written by Francis Bellamy and Commentary by John Wayne
I pledge allegiance to the flag

What do those words mean to you? To me they say thank you America for your strength, your courage, and for our freedom which has been a beacon to the world for 200 years.

of the United States of America

Whose bright stars are 50 states each bearing its own stamp of individuality. People 200 m strong, People who come to her from all corners of the earth.

And to the republic for which it stands

A land of laws with an ingenious system of checks and balances that allows no man to become a tyrant and lets no group to prevail. If their power is not tempered with real concern for the governed, a land where the power of dissent and free speech is jealously guarded. The ballot box is the sword and people its wielder.

One nation under God

A land where freedom of worship is a cornerstone of her being. A land drenched with temples and churches, synagogues and alters that rise in profusion to embrace all the religions of the world.


A land forged by the hot steel of raw courage and formed forever by the awful crucible—Civil War

With liberty

Where a man in pursuit of an honest life will not be denied his chance. Where her citizens move freely within her vast borders without hindrance or fear. A land brimming with opportunity where freedom of choice is the guideline for all.

and justice

The courts of our land are open to all. Its wheels of justice grind for all causes, all people. They look to every avenue for justice every concern of the law and they temper their reasoning with mercy for all.

for all

God bless the USA.

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