Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Teaching Your Child to Mistreat God's Creatures is So Wrong!

Ok, I hear you. How many parents do that? Too many in my mind and by my definition.

I am pretty riled up on several levels about a situation in my neighborhood. Seven weeks ago a young couple with a little girl moved out of the neighborhood. They left their dog and cat at the old house and come by once a day to feed them. What the hell are they thinking?

What kind of example is that for their little girl? That is bad enough but the dog is completely undisciplined or trained--that seems to be why they left him. Well, it is their fault if he is unruly. I don't think the little thing ever got any lovin' since he is not socialized at all-- and he is about 5 years old. He is in a small run 24-7.

Another neighbor offered to take the cat, but they have not taken her up on it as of yet. And there are lots of pet rescues in the area that could take the dog. How could they leave those animals there feeling confused and alone? It breaks my heart. Now, I am a dog person, but I also have cats. My pets are part of my family and I could no sooner leave one of them than I could leave my husband or my kids.

And the other part of this that steams me is that they call themselves "Christians." Isn't there a quote from Jesus in the Bible that as you treat least of God's creatures, so you have treated Him? It upsets me that this child is learning to mistreat animals through neglect at such a young age. To me, that is not upholding the truths of God. If they do not want the pets, then find good homes for them--don't just abandon them. I will never respect the so-called Christian that can do this!

Parents, please think about it before you buy a pet, much less more than one. Do you love animals? Do you have time to care for the pet? Do you have room for them in your heart, home, and life? If the answer is NO or I Don't Know, then do not bring the pet home. It is that simple.

My wonderful Waya is a rescue that was mistreated and abandoned (she is in the photo). She had so many issues with trust and socializtion when we first got her. She was afraid to get inthe car to the point that if you went more than 1/2 mile, she would shake, foam at the mouth, and throw up. And you had to put her in the car. No way would she just get in by herself! She either hid or acted very mean if people came into the house--even if they came regularly.

Now she is such a great friend to me now. She and I bonded first and we spend a lot of time together. She is never judgmental when I get in a bad mood, she just gives me my space. When I return home from a trip or from the grocery, she is always thrilled to see me. She listens to me when I need to vent about something without trying to fix it for me--just lets me talk. She is very social with people and other animals. She has blossomed beautifully, but I never want another dog to be damaged like that.

Pets are great for kids. They give unconditional love and provide a lot of enterainment. Pets teach kids responsibility and give them a readily accessible "buddy." But not every home should have one, as evidenced by my former neighbor.


Beverly Mahone said...

OH how awful! What is even more disturbing is how these parents may be treating their own child. The comment you made about the dog not being socialized may very well impact that child some day--and the sad part is--she may not even understand why.

Parents like these should be taught some kind of lesson--pay a stiff fine or spend some time behind bars. If they didn't want the responsibility of the animals, they shouldn't have taken them in the first place.

Vicki M. Taylor said...

It breaks my heart to hear about pets being treated with such cruelty. I have an American Eskimo dog named, Jack, and he's a full and complete member of our family. So much so that we don't even use the "D-O-G" word around him. :-)

People need to understand when they get a pet, its a lifetime commitment. They are not disposable.

Karen O'Bannon said...

I am so sorry to hear this. I have had three cats. All of them were strays. Two are no longer alive. One got sick, the other died in a fire. I cried over both of them. My daughter considers the one we have left mine because she follows me from room to room when I'm home and loves to be near wherever I am.

But I know plenty of people that consider a pet mere property. They treat their pets like toys they only play with at their leisure, and some live outside and are never brought into the house. It's sad.

Parents Rule! said...

I know it is so sad. We called the city, but since the pets are enclosed and being fed, there is nothing they can do to remedy the situation.

Eileen Williams said...

You are so right about taking time to really consider the responsibility of having a pet... and then teaching your children to respect life in all its forms. All you need to do is look into the eyes of your dog or cat and you'll know the importance of treating animals with love and care. Thanks for this important lesson to each of us.

Anonymous said...

What a great article Pat, I read this aloud, almost screaming in anger! Boy, I'm with you on the comment about their example as Christian people? All things beautiful, God's children loves them ALL!

I too am more a dog person, but that's MY mother and father bought our first pet[dog] when I was 17 from the pound, she was a x breed, abandonded.

That day was VERY emotional for mum and me, seeing so many animals left behind, trying to comprehend each reason as we heard their barks and whimpers,and staring back at such sad eyes...

There are times when sadly, some just have to part ways with their pets,for whatever the reason,and surrendering them obviously the most HUMANE manner.That day we brought Sophie 1 home,and I signed up to be part of the RSPCA!

How anyone can walk away??
Brings tears to my eyes.
I worry the children who witness this lack of responsibility of the parent, might grow up repeating history!
I wonder if there's a way of educating our kids in school, about such an issue???