Sunday, June 14, 2009

Letterman Has To Go!

Like many others, I have been watching the drama unfold around David Letterman's comments about Sarah Palin's daughter. It has taken me a few days to get my head around everything that was said and I have come to the conclusion that Letterman has to go.

Please know that I have watched him since he had a daytime show and lit his set on fire on once. That was truly hysterical, but he has gotten increasingly mean-spirited over the years. When candidate Obama asked that children be left alone in the presidential race, I think he meant more than just until the voting takes place. Children of a candidate are off limits--telling rude jokes or making incendiary remarks about them is unacceptable--regardless of which side of the aisle their parents represent.

What was David Letterman's response to Ms. Palin's outrage? He said he was talking about her 18 year old daughter when he said that A-Rod knocked her up during the 7th inning stretch rather than her 14 year old daughter. In what way does that make it better? Yes, the older one is of age, but he was still saying, in so many words, that she was a slut.

There are many young girls who have made a mistake and found themselves pregnant. That does not mean they slept around promiscuously. It means they had a boyfriend and made a decision error.

Every woman in the country should be outraged by his comments and his subsequent semi explanation/not quite apology statement he made. At the very least, his network should show some integrity by forcing him to offer an apology to the Palin family. But I really think he should be fired.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Reaganite Republican Resistance said...

Letterman is a deranged slob- and his tired 1985 schtick’s about as funny as a train wreck. I say give Todd Palin five minutes alone with this creep- maybe then he’d get the hard education in moral clarity that he so obviously lacks.

And if Sarah Palin is SO silly and irrelevant, why the obsession?

Clearly the Left noted her appeal, and are out to eliminate the threat- it’s not like it’s not obvious. She’s been highly successful in life while ignoring the left-wing feminist model… this helps to explain the extra dose of venom in the attacks.

Go get em, Sarah- and don’t mind the press, nobody will be listening to them anymore after the pending Obamamania implosion-