Thursday, October 29, 2009

Are We a Government of the People, or Not?

Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.
Thomas Paine, from Common Sense

Our government is sticking its fingers into every aspect of our lives. Our founding fathers did not want that. Our current elected officials in DC have forgotten that our founders wanted individuals and states to be more powerful than the federal government. For the most part, our Representatives and Senators have been inoculated with the DC vaccine that prevents them from caring about you and me.

As leaders, they believe they are untouchable. But we have a strong way to fight back. Let’s stop re-electing the same foolish and arrogant people. Just because they have a famous name or have been in office a long time does not mean they are doing a good job.

Look at the voting record of your elected officials. It’s not that hard. I get an email every week from It tells me what my representatives and senators voted on and how they voted. It also tells me what upcoming votes there are so I can call them in a timely fashion if I want to let them know how want them to vote.

Remember, they are there to represent us but they cannot do that if we don’t tell them what we want. We have a responsibility to speak out, know the issues, research them, and vote. It is imperative that, as parents, we do this. So much of what we decide as voters affects them more than us.

Set a good example for our kids. Talk to them about civics and current events. Encourage them to be active. We are in this mess now because of apathy. We are the only way out.

It is time we take our constitutionally guaranteed power of the people back from Washington!


Vicki M. Taylor said...

Excellent article. I have nothing to add, you've said it all except this: It's about time that Congress realizes that they serve the people.

Debra Shiveley Welch said...

Excellent article! I will certainly check out the link.

Beverly Mahone said...


I respect what you've written here but I have to say I am wondering why some people keep talking about what our founding fathers wanted. So much has changed since that time. The world was in a different place with a different mentality back then. If we had stayed with what our founding fathers wanted, I'd be in slavery with no future--

I think there is good and bad about the government. I guess it just depends on what side of the fence you're on.

Karen O'Bannon said...


Parents Rule! said...

Bev, I am not saying the founding fathers were right about everything. They were only human. Otherwise they would have set term limits for the President and all congressional seats. However, they had in mind a country in which the common man has a say in what matters affect him.

Nowadays, the common man is much less represented because only millionaires can run for a seat in the House or the Senate. Yes, things have changed. And most of them for the better.

But we still have too many people who either do not vote or do not vote in an informed manner. Too many people have become complacent and lazy.

We are responsible for our governance. We are the people from the words, "Of the people, by the people, and for the people." And we need to stand up and make our voices heard.

To me this is not a Republican-Democrat issue. I am neither. It is a fact that if we sent people to Washington and do not tell them what we want them to do, we deserve what we get, regardless of who is in control.