Sunday, April 18, 2010

Back to the Land of Toilet Seats!

I know that we have some problems in this country--high unemployment, bitter partisan fighting on both sides of Congress, high deficits. But we do have one thing going for us. Toilet seats! Oh...and toilet paper.
We just got back from a trip out of the country (you can see the photos on my facebook site-- While we had a wonderful time, I did once again notice, up close and personal, that many countries are not partial to toilet seats. The photo in this post is one I took after finishing my business along the Amazon. Notice the lack of toilet seat. And the toilet was about half as high as mine at home.
Ok, now picture yourself, ladies, squatting over this thing while trying to hold your pants out of the way, but not letting them lie in the fluid on the floor. Now you must also grab the blue rope hanging on the door with your third hand--oh, you only have two? Sorry! Ok, you have to grab the rope to hold the door closed. The whole area is leans downhill, too, so the door tends to want to be open.
Now with your free hand?? you must reach in your pocket or purse or whatever you can use to find some paper for wiping since there is none in there. All this needs to be done quickly since by now you have a major muscle burn going on those squatting thighs. And you must remember not to put the tissue in the toilet--that goes in a small waste can. The big blue can? Oh, that has water in it to use for flushing.
All in all, it was a very interesting trip to the jon, made worse because I kept laughing the whole time. My trip to the Amazon was amazing and wonderful. It is one I would definitely repeat. But this time I would go to REI and get the female funnel I almost bought before the trip. It sure would have come in handy a few times.


鄭凱仲念阿彌陀佛往生西方極樂世界 said...
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Eileen Williams said...

Oh, my!
It sounds as if your vacation was a true adventure in many ways. I can imagine a trip to the Amazon would provide sights and experiences that are distinctly out of the ordinary. That said, there are a few creature comforts we've grown to expect... and, after reading your post, toilet seats might make the top of my list!

Parents Rule! said...

The deleted comment was written in a language I could not read. Therefore I could not ascertain the content, so I decided to keep it off the blog. Please comment in English so I can understand. Thank you.

And Eileen, it was hysterical. One of those moments I will never forget.

Beverly said...

Eileen's reaction was mine too...Oh my!

I have my issues with things I don't like about this country but I also recognize how blessed I am to live here.

I remember covering the Haitian refugee crisis back in the 80s as a reporter and thought I could never live like that. It was truly a sad tate of affairs. I still have the video from that trip. Maybe I should post it.

You are truly a travelin' woman!

Debra Stokes said...

As always, it helps to be able to laugh at our circumstances. Better still, you know how to deal with this challenge next time (female funnel???)