Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Gratitude Is the Root of the Joy Tree

An attitude of gratitude
When stuff has got you down
Can get you satisfatitude
And turn your world around
An attitude of gratitude
Hooray for what’s okay
Say thank you with emphatitude
And it’s a brand new day
Jimmy Buffett, An Attitude of Gratitude

As I have lived my life and learned my lessons, it has been made clear to me that gratitude is vital for happiness. Being grateful for what you have puts you in the present with peace of mind. Look around you. No matter what your current circumstances, you can find wonderful people, events, and things in your life today. Is it not the life you expected? Is that all bad?

A few years ago, I thought I was going to lose all the material things I had collected in my life. It was an awful time full of tears and sleepless nights. I cried to God to help me and in my soul I heard the answer was to be grateful for what I have.

So I looked around me and listed what I had for which I was the most grateful. The material things I was so worried about keeping were not even high on that list. After that, when I was worried and upset, I would think about that list and fall asleep saying a prayer of thanks to God instead of begging for help day in and day out.

Soon I was sleeping better and opportunities arose that let us get out of the difficulties and we actually got to keep our things. But it was a big lesson for me. Let it be a lesson to you and pass it on to your kids. That attitude of gratitude makes you look at life differently, more positively. We all need less negative in our lives—especially our kids.

So gratitude is the root of the joy tree. From solid grateful roots, the trunk and leaves grow--things such as a great career, wonderful family, a vacation here and there, good friends, and hopefully, security in your old age. Protect the tree's roots and it will live for a long time, bending in the wind but not breaking. It will be a shelter in times of storm and a peaceful retreat when you are stressed. But most of all, you can look at it everyday and enjoy its beauty and serenity.


Beverly Mahone said...


This is such a beautiful post! I, too, have to sometimes be reminded of all that I have so that when I get depressed about the would've, should've, could've of my life, I can appreciate everything that is right in front of me.

God, in his infinite wisdom, asks us to be faithful over a few things and once you've proven your faithfulness and understand it's not about what you don't have, you will be blessed with more.

I write this with gratitude in my heart for your friendship.

Regina said...

Beautifully said and a well learned lesson for anyone who reads this!

I work at being grateful at all times because it's not the material things that make us who we are... it's like Bev said, to be faithful over a few things - establishes the trust where God can and will make us ruler over many.

Awesome message Pat!