Monday, August 16, 2010

Welcome to the World: Open Letter to A Grandson


This world into which you were born is an amazing and complex place.

On one hand, there is conflict between countries and between people. It feels sometimes like the whole world is angry. There are wars and threats of war. There are natural disasters and man-made disasters. There are divorces and horrible custody battles. There are insults and intolerance.

But, on the other hand, there is great beauty and great kindness. There are people who are always standing ready to help someone else, no matter what it costs them. Through the disasters, many offer aid and comfort. Brows are wiped and injuries bandaged. Kind words are spoken and a gentle touch eases hearts.

As I look at your serenely sleeping face, I see the future. And it is good. You will be raised by loving parents who will provide what you need to grow into an adult—someone who will be as precious to them as your parents are to me. Never take for granted the gift of these two wonderful people who love you so dearly. It is the basis of who you will become.

They will love you, spoil you, and cherish you. But they will also teach you discipline, respect, and understanding. Some lessons, my sweet grandson, will be hard-learned and painful. Some will not. It is crucial for you to learn all of them—for you are the future.

Carl Sandberg, a great poet, once said, “A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on.” You are that promise. As each new soul enters this world, a drop of new hope falls onto the arid ground. But, together, all of you will all produce enough nourishment to the world that it will once again flourish.

You will see the world with fresh eyes that will make us shake our heads in wonder. Someday you may do the same for mankind. Your world will be what you make it. Your destiny is in your hands. When I look into your eyes, I know the future is safe.


tiffany said...

I love the letter to your new grandson! It reminds us of the hope a new baby brings and that is always a great thing. He is lucky to have a mima like you!

Eileen Williams said...

Having recently joined the very special club that is only reserved for women of a certain age (of course, I'm referring to the grandma club), I loved your letter even more.
Each new soul is so innocent and sweet and we pray that the world will treat them well. Thanks for your lovely thoughts--they certainly brightened my day!

Debbie Barth said...

Beautifully written and congratulations to you as well. What a beautiful baby! Thank you for sharing this beautiful letter with us!

Beverly Mahone said...

Beautifully written Pat! I wish I had thought to do something like that when Jarod was born--but because it was under different circumstances, it took me awhile to adjust. When children know you love them, it gives them a head start in this otherwise, crazy world.