Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hate Can Never Create Peace

All over the news today is the story of a "Christian" pastor who wants to burn a Koran on the anniversary of our tragedy on 9/11. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39032043/ns/world_news-south_and_central_asia/?GT1=43001
How is this Christ-like? Isn't that what being a Christian is supposed to be--living a Christ-like life? Sir, I ask you, would Jesus do this?

I agree that what happened to our country was despicable, but we have sent our military to retaliate for the attack. Our country was founded on the principle of religious freedom. So no matter what we may think of the religion of Islam, the people have a right to worship. My personal opinion is that the majority of Muslims quietly go about their business and do not cause problems. The Muslim extremists that attacked us are not men of God. They are men who crave power and control.

Yes, this pastor has a 1st amendment right to burn the Koran, but if he truly wanted to make a "religious" statement, why did he not just do it quietly with his congregation? This media circus he has propagated feels like a desperate attempt for one man's 15 minutes of fame.

Just another note: my parents taught me that my rights end where they infringe on someone else's rights. And this publicity stunt can, and probably will, cost the lives of some of our brave military so far from home. Is it really worth it? Please back down, sir. Hate will never create love or peace. Hate can only create more hate and violence.

Another point I want to make is that there are children in that church. Do we want to teach them to hate or to love? Christ taught us to love everyone, even those that hate you. We need to be teaching our children to love all of God's children. That is the only way that maybe one day, we can have peace.


Beverly Mahone said...

I am amazed that he has any followers--which obviously says there are more "haters" in this world--and let's not talk about hose in the closet.

Baby Boomer New CNA said...

It was a publicity stunt, and I'm glad to hear he changed his mind. Love will conquer, not hate.