Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cured of Ovarian Cancer!

"He said that as far as he was concerned I was cured." These are the words my beautiful daughter just shared with me over the phone as she drove home from her GYN oncologist' s office. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer 5 years ago, just before she turned 30. Many of you know the amazing miraculous story of how we found it, but I am no going into that today. So few women can speak those words about ovarian cancer that this is truly a miracle.

Today is about celebration. I was expecting that result because she has done so well but when she said the words, I could not speak at first. As I choked out the first phrases of joy, the tears started and are still flowing as I write this. Thank you God. Thank you doctors and nurses. Thank you Benton--someday we will tell you the story of how you saved your mommy's life. Thank you to all her friends and family who came together in such a wonderful way over these last 5 years.

Today I cannot remember being as grateful for anything since I gave birth to my healthy babies as I am this minute. And I cannot stop crying. It feels like I am releasing 5 years of unspoken fears and frustration for all the anguish my baby had to go through. In my heart I knew this would be the outcome, but when I finally heard it said, the joy was unspeakable.

I am so happy. Thanks for letting me share it with you.


Beverly Mahone said...


I don't know the back story but that is GREAT news! You're right, ovarian cancer is a killer so the fact that your daughter is cancer free says to me that God has more work for her to complete.

Thanks for sharing your news and your obvious joy and relief.

Health and Disease said...

Signs and symptoms of Ovarian Cancer checkout here