Nathanael Knox Hawkins, born 3 weeks early and these photos are the day after he was born. Pretty alert, don'cha think? He was 6 lbs. 14 oz and 20 in. long, but that decreased to 19 1/4 in. once his head came back to normal after being pushed in the birth canal. His dad kept making jokes about how much of his brain he uses and that he was an alien baby--obviously watches too much of the Sci Fi channel and not enough of the shows about childbirth. However, you can see that his Mema is pretty happy to see him and show him off for the camera.
Obviously he will be like his daddy who thinks he is late if he is 15 minutes early. On time is very late and actually late is totally unacceptable. My son, Nathanael's dad, called me late one evening and said that he and his wife thought something was happening. After a couple of questions it was clear that her water had broken and off to Northside Hospital we all flew.
He was born the next day and has been a terrific little baby...that is until yesterday! That was the day he peed on me. Totally unacceptable. He was doing some tummy time on my tummy and suddenly this warm wet feeling started growing on my abdomen. Sure enough, he had gotten me.
But at my age, I am just glad it wasn't me that peed on me.
More grandson updates in later posts...