Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Forget Vampires: Grandma Scares Me to Death!

If little Nathanael could write about his Mema, this is what he would tell you all--that I scared the first real tears out of him. You know, that is not what a grandma aspires to, not what we dream of when we think of being in on the "firsts" in our grandchildren's lives. Unfortunately, it happened to me.
Background to the story: I babysat for two other little grand-guys while both parents went to the doctor. Both had upper respiratory symptoms and were feeling lousy. So I kept the guys for a couple of hours. The next day, Nathanael's dad asked if I could babysit for a little while.
Back to the story...I arrive at their house complete with a mask to wear when near the baby so in case I was a germ carrier, I might not pass it on to the baby. Sitting across the room from him was great. I didn't have to wear the mask and we were making faces at each other--he is so close to laughing and is so cute.
The trouble came when I took him from Mommy so they could leave. I put on my mask and picked him off her lap and all was well for a few minutes. I had him on my shoulder and he could not see my face. Unfortunately, then, he looked me dead in the face, or mask as it may be. Then all you-know-what broke loose.
The word scream does not adequately describe his reaction. Hysterical would be more accurate. Daddy came running over and pointed out as he was yanking my grandson out of my arms that Nathanael was actually crying tears. It was the first time he had seen tears in his son's eyes and I thought he was going to have a coniption. (If you don't know what that means, you aren't from Dixie...)
Of course I felt awful and my son proceded to try to make me feel worse--in fun. Soon the baby became accustomed to how I looked and we got along fine, but I didn't get any more smiles that night. He just kept looking at me with suspicion like he was saying. "Who are you? You sound like my Mema and feel like my Mema, but you don't look like my Mema."
I am happy to announce that I was there today, sans mask, and we laughed together a lot. He seemed to be over the mask trauma. (I hope I don't have to pay for therapy later.)
However, my other son called me to say that he heard from his brother that Nathanael had taken a good look at my face and became hysterical. I, of course, set the record straight and then forbade him from speaking to his brother ever again.


Heidi Caswell said...

How funny! I can see how the mask would scare a little one though.

Susan Hawkins said...

Actually Nathanael still has nightmares about the "masked one", hee,hee! No... he loves his Mema!!

Karen O'Bannon said...

LOL! What a funny story. It reminds me of how one of my little nieces wanted nothing to do with me when she was a toddler. I couldn't even look at her without her giving me the evil eye. Thank God she came around. We're buds now. But let me tell you it was hard winning her over. Glad to hear it didn't take you as long.

Heidi Richards Mooney said...


Thanks so much for sharing about your Mask adventure.

My little grandson is still so attached to his mother that whenever I come in the room he runs the other way.

I didn't used to have that affect on men but maybe he doesn't like the look of menopause. *SMILE

Have a great day... and then some.

Heidi Richards Mooney, Publisher
We Magazine for Women