Monday, February 8, 2010

Pick Me Up and Let Me Walk

Communications with our children is always a challenge--no matter what the age. Some of my grandchildren are being taught Baby Sign in an effort to improve pre- and early speech communication. There are also programs out there that are meant to help kids learn to read at an early age. I love that so much emphasis is being placed on communication and books and reading. It is an area that has been too long overlooked.

Having said that, there are times when our kids communicate with us in no uncertain terms. There is no mistaking the message. One of those instances occurred yesterday at my son's house. His 8 month old son loves for you to hold his fingers and let him walk around the house. Yesterday we had all had a several turns and our aching backs told us to let him crawl for a while. My son, Nathanael's dad, had him last, laid him on the carpet, and let go of his little fingers.

Nathanael crawled about 4 inches before he started talking--it was baby gibberish, but it was clear that he was pissed. He would turn his head back to his daddy, give him an evil look, and start in jabbering again in that frustrated voice. We were all pretty sure what he wanted. So Nathanael's dad presented his fingers and the baby, grabbing them, scrambled to his feet with a big smile on his face. And they were off! Very clearly, this child will be a good communicator.

Find ways to help you kids communicate from the time they are born. It is a big help to you as you try to unravel their differing communication patterns.

Since I am talking about communication and reading and such, let me mention to anyone in the Atlanta Metro area that Cathy Puett Miller will be at Yawn's Bookstore in Canton, GA on Feb. 11 for a book signing. Her books, Anytime Reading Readiness, a guidebook for parents of 3-6 year olds AND Before They Read, a partner book for teachers of preschool AND kindergarten will be featured.

Cathy was my guest on Parents Rule! on Dec 3 discussing these very topics. She was delightful and informative. The show can still be heard or downloaded from the following site: So go say hi and check out her books.

1 comment:

Cathy Puett Miller AKA The Literacy Ambassador said...

Pat, thanks for letting everyone know about the book signing. I hope to see many of you there! Downtown Canton is a great place with lots of fun shops and restaurants and lots of walking space for little legs that need to stretch!